About Us

Welcome to IAS, we are glad and grateful you are here !!

Why Creativity ?

Creativity is a Life Skill everyone should have!

It Improves cognitive functioning of an individual’s brain. Solve life problems by looking at them from a different angle. Build memory capacity helps in retention.  In a nutshell it helps in creating the quality of life you want for yourself or your children.  

There are many ways to help improve Creativity, one of Easiest and Proven practise is through the world of ART&CRAFT

Who are we ?

Our Offerings

IAS exists to provide a trusted learning and skill development ecosystem. It helps you to step in or step up to the next level of Art and Craft skills. 

IAS has been existent since the year 2012, and now leveraging technology we have managed to increase our reach and serve more than 2000 students across the country. Our USP is the connect we establish with every learner. Thankfully to our teachers who together brings in teaching experience of more than 30 years in the space of art and craft. 

What we offer ?

Our courses are designed keeping in mind the need of every learner – from creating strong foundation to specializing on specific crafts style. We invest time in understanding your current level and your aspirations. Accordingly customizing our content and knowledge delivery to make it easy for you to grasp and quickly scale up. 

Making the learning process faster and effective !!

Our Philosophy and how it benefits you ?

In IAS we believe every LEARNER is different and thus needs different support system to develop and hone art and craft skills. We have classes for all skill levels and age ranges kids, adults an professionals. Our success is based on a 4-step journey in imparting correct knowledge.

  1.          Understand your present skill Level
  2.           Understand your exact interest areas and aspirations 
  3.           Customize align Courses in lines to the interest area
  4.           Customize content and way of teaching to make learning easy and faster 

Together lets Develop, Nurture and Acquire this skill today !


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Years of experience

Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”

Albert Einstein

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